
ctsy_admin 2023-04-22 行业资讯 213

Title: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) - Understanding the Basics


Abstract: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is a widely used *** ytical technique that provides detailed information about the chemical composition and molecular structure of a sample. This article explains the principles of FTIR, its instrumentation, and its applications in various fields.

Introduction: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique used to *** yze the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation. FTIR measures the absorption or tran *** ission of infrared radiation as it passes through a sample. The technique is based on the principle that different chemical bonds absorb radiation at different frequencies, leading to the identification of chemical functional groups and molecular structure.

Principles of FTIR: In FTIR, a sample is exposed to infrared radiation of various frequencies, and the resulting spectrum is obtained. The spectrum is a plot of the intensity of the radiation absorbed by the sample against the frequency of the radiation. The infrared radiation that is not absorbed by the sample is then collected and *** yzed. FTIR utilizes a mathematical technique called Fourier transform to convert the time-domain signal obtained from the instrument to the frequency-domain signal. The resulting spectrum contains a series of peaks that correspond to the different frequencies of absorbed radiation.

Instrumentation of FTIR: The FTIR instrument consists of a source of infrared radiation, a sample holder, and a detector. The sample holder can be a liquid cell, a gas cell, or a solid cell, depending on the nature of the sample. The detector is usually a pyroelectric detector, a mercury cadmium telluride detector, or a lead sulfide detector. The Fourier transform process is performed by a computer, which is an integral part of the instrument.

Applications of FTIR: FTIR is a versatile technique used in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, polymers, food science, forensic science, and environmental science. FTIR is used to identify and quantify the functional groups present in a sample, to study chemical reactions, to determine the purity of a sample, and to detect contaminants.


Conclusion: Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is a powerful *** ytical tool used to identify and characterize chemical compounds. FTIR is a widely used technique that provides valuable information about the chemical composition and molecular structure of a sample. The technique has a wide range of applications in various fields, making it an essential tool for researchers and scientists.


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